Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking & Phone Tracking removal service

Why we are the Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking, Phone Tracking removal experts.

At Protective Group, we take pride in delivering quality, client focused safety services from start to finish, regardless of how complex the situation may be. Our Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking, Phone Stalkware, Phone Tracking and Bugged phone removal service is designed to check for spyware, scan phone for spyware, remove spyware and intervene in illegal tracking, malicious apps, cloud tracking and other forms of cyber abuse. Ultimately, our top priority is to ensure our clients feel safe and secure at all times. a combined 100+ years of operational law enforcement, military and corporate risk management experience, we bring a unique, concentric layered approach to safety and security for our clients.

Our Phone Spyware removal and Phone Hacking, Stalkware Tracking and Bugged phone removal service is available on all personal mobile devices such as iPhones, Android device operating systems, laptop, desktop computers and more.
When we check your phone for spyware, we detect and remove malicious software, forms of phone spyware all whilst ensuring your personal information is not compromised.

Our team regularly appears on SBS, ABC News, Channel 9 News, A Current Affair, The Age, Herald Sun and 3AW as industry experts for our Car and Home Bug Sweep service. We are often called upon to provide feedback and commentary on current issues related to Technology Abuse and the impact on Domestic Violence victims.

View our Device and Phone Hacking, Spyware, Stalkware Tracking and Bugged phone removal service media articles.

Keeping you safe online when you are offline.

We disrupt technology abuse to give confidence to our clients that their networks are secure and not compromised.

Our Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking and Phone Tracking removal service was designed due to the emergence of Technology Abuse, an abuse we see daily particularly in Domestic and Family Violence situations, our service is focused upon disrupting the abuse, reducing further risk and optimising safety. We are able to provide you our your client with enhanced safety and peace of mind through an individualised service to assess technology abuse and the implementation of immediate interventions tailored to their circumstances whilst maintaining the security of your personal data including text messages.

Our Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking and Phone Tracking removal service detects all types of malicious software and interference:

  • Spyware
  • Stalkware
  • Malicious Apps
  • Malware
  • Adware
  • Worms
  • Trojans
  • Keylogger
  • Backdoor threats
  • Compromised cloud environments
  • Compromised Social Media Accounts
  • Compromised Email Accounts
  • Unknown device interference

Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking and Phone Tracking removal service works.

Upon requesting or being referred to our service, we will make time to meet with you or your client to conduct an assessment and inspect devices. Meetings may take up to 90 minutes and can be held at our National Support Office located in Melbourne or at a location that suits you or your client.

Whilst meeting with you or your client we will take steps to remove and check for spyware, cloud based account, check social media settings, conduct an electronic sweep for tracking, listening, transmitting and recording devices and reset passwords and security questions on the spot. We utilise various spyware removal spyware scanner software to located all forms of spyware, phone tracker removal software, antivirus software and other proven techniques.

We talk this through with the client to ensure they understand what steps need to be taken to keep them safe in their use of technology.

During the assessment, the following may occur or be required:

• A comprehensive, personalised assessment and inspection of the client’s personal and home smart devices and laptop/s. Where there are accompanying children and family member with smart devices we strongly recommend that this is part of the assessment

• Personalised advice and practical demonstrations provided for clients as to how they and their children can use technology safely without fear of further abuse

• Where possible, immediate interventions to disrupt tracking by perpetrators, their access to the client’s personal information and accounts

• Where forensic IT assistance is required, we can organise this through a third party for an additional fee

Our Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking and Phone Tracking removal services are available in Australia – Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney.

What sets our Phone Spyware, Phone Hacking and Phone Tracking removal service apart?

We bring years of experience, technology and research to offer a comprehensive, personalised assessment and inspection of the client’s personal and home smart devices and laptop/s. Where there are accompanying children with smart devices we strongly recommend that this is part of the assessment and we provide practical advice through experience. We talk through the risks of device and phone hacking, phone spyware, phone stalkware and phone tracking to empower the user with there for future use of their technology.

We also offer our  Device and Phone Hacking, Spyware, Stalkware, Tracking and Bugged phone removal service remotely over the phone, please visit our Tek Safe Remote Technology Assessments page for further information.

phone spyware
Hidden Camera Detector

We assess all device types and brands

Hidden Camera Detector

Remove spyware and malicious apps and programs

Hidden Camera Detector

Perfect for families to keep children safe online

Hidden Camera Detector

We will help you update your passwords

Hidden Camera Detector

We review your location and cloud based settings

Hidden Camera Detector

Educate the importance of using Social Media profile settings

phone tracking

Step 1

Clients directly or an organisation on behalf of a client make a request via phone or on our website for a Device and Phone Hacking, Spyware, Stalkware, Tracking and Bugged phone removal service.

Step 2

We arrange a time to meet with the client and intervene immediately, where safe to do so, to disrupt technology-facilitated abuse.

phone hacking
phone spyware

Step 3

Assess Device Settings by reviewing tracking features (Find my Friends/Phone), GPS history and smart device access.

Step 4

Review Social Media and other Online Account settings such as privacy and access settings, cloud and shared accounts (rewards programs).

Step 5

Review Online Password Safety and make recommendations along with changing all phone passcodes, default Wi-Fi passwords, computer and network passwords.

Step 6

Receive a developed risk assessment report, action plan and future safety recommendations once we have completed our device and phone hacking, spyware, stalkware, tracking and bugged phone removal service.

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