Case Studies and Victim Survivor Stories

Case Studies – Victim Survivor Stories

We share with you courageous stories of vulnerable people in our community.

The Domestic violence victim survivor stories and domestic violence stories we share are by real people that have been assisted by Protective Group to remain safe and free from violence and non-physical abuse.

The violence isn’t always Physical but the intent is always the same- control their victim and their movements.
Our domestic violence victim survivor stories and domestic violence stories contain experiences of Technology Abuse and Coercive Control.

Power of Domestic Violence Case Studies and Victim Survivor Stories

Evidence shows us that there’s power in Domestic Violence Victim Survivor Stories, Survivor Stories, Victim Survivor Stories and Domestic Violence Stories – not just for the sake of healing and processing the experiences that were inflicted upon them (which is absolutely vital), but also for collective social good. Domestic Violence Survivor stories place the power of the narrative back into the hands of the survivor, allowing them to turn something awful that they had no control over into something that they can now use for good – to share how they overcame. To share how they healed. To inspire those who are going through the same thing right now that they are so worthy of a better life, and victory is possible.

Often a victim may deny the warning signs as they may be emotionally or financially reliant or parent a child to the perpetrator. An individual may fear they won’t be believed or will be victim-blamed. They can feel ashamed and might even blame themselves.

Recent media article.

Warning: These domestic violence victim survivor stories and domestic violence stories feature descriptions of physical and emotional abuse which may be distressing to some viewers.

Male Domestic Violence Survivor Story: Lucas I was initially blown away by my ex-wife. She was attractive, polite and mild-mannered, and successful. She was also Southeast Asian and would cook amazing Asian food. Six months into the relationship she said she'd be more comfortable if we...

From the time she was a little girl, Kylie just wanted everyone to be safe. Even at the age of five, she did what she could to keep her father from harming her mother, even sitting on his lap when she thought her mother might be in...

Dana* is a soft spoken, kind, Ethiopian woman who fell in love with a man with aspirations to study in Australia. She describes him as charming and thoughtful when they met. He was reliable and funny, and she was in love. Her family approved and...

Karen* is a domestic violence survivor. She was a teenage mom who has suffered a long history of family abuse in her life. There wasn’t a lot of love in Karen’s life growing up, and her poor health left her body fragile. She is 30...