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Image by Yura Fresh

Law Enforcement Training

Law Enforcement Training

It is crucial for police and law enforcement to understand technology abuse in domestic violence situations.


Technology is increasingly being used a tool of control, harassment, and intimidation by abusers.


Law enforcement plays a vital role in identifying, investigating, and intervening in such cases.

Many forms of technology abuse, such as cyberstalking, digital surveillance, or online harassment, can be more subtle than physical abuse, but they are equally harmful. If law enforcement is unaware of how technology can be used by perpetrators, they may overlook significant aspects of the victim's experience or fail to see patterns of control and coercion.

Topics may include:

  • What is Technology Abuse?

  • Where we see and find technology abuse

  • Tech Abuse impact on victims

  • The ease of inflicting Tech Abuse

  • Smart Home

  • Preservation of evidence and relevant laws

  • The types of tech considered for varying types of risk and abuse

  • Tips and info to talk to users about obtaining as evidence for court matters

  • Presentations or early signs that may indicate tech abuse

  • Types of tech safety available

  • Questions

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Law Enforcement Training may include:

Recognizing Emerging Forms of Abuse

  • Technology abuse is not always obvious: Many forms of technology abuse, such as cyberstalking, digital surveillance, or online harassment, can be more subtle than physical abuse, but they are equally harmful. If law enforcement is unaware of how technology can be used by abusers, they may overlook significant aspects of the victim's experience or fail to see patterns of control and coercion.

  • Identifying non-physical forms of abuse: Law enforcement must recognize that technology-based abuse, such as constant texting, location tracking, or revenge porn, can be part of a larger pattern of domestic violence, even if there is no physical violence.

Ensuring Victim Safety

  • Holistic safety planning: Law enforcement must integrate knowledge of technology abuse into their response strategies to better protect victims. This includes advising victims on how to secure their devices, disable location tracking, and protect their digital privacy.

  • Preventing further victimization: Abusers can escalate their control through technology after a victim leaves or seeks protection. Law enforcement can play a critical role in preventing ongoing digital harassment or surveillance by helping victims secure their technology and advising them on how to block the abuser from accessing their personal information.

Improved Investigations and Evidence Collection

  • Understanding the digital trail: Technology abuse often leaves behind a digital trail, such as harassing texts, emails, social media messages, or location data. Law enforcement officers who are knowledgeable about technology abuse can better identify, preserve, and collect this evidence to build stronger cases.

  • Documenting technology abuse: Understanding the importance of documenting incidents of cyber harassment, tracking, or other forms of digital abuse helps build a more comprehensive case that demonstrates patterns of behavior. This can be critical in securing restraining orders or pursuing criminal charges.

  • Legal considerations: Many technology-related abuses, such as unauthorized access to devices or cyberstalking, are illegal. Law enforcement officers must be able to recognize when these actions violate the law and take appropriate legal steps.

Keeping Up with Evolving Abusive Tactics

  • Adapting to new technologies: As technology evolves, so do the methods of abuse. Law enforcement needs to stay up-to-date on emerging technologies such as smart home devices, location tracking apps, or online platforms that can be used for abuse. Regular training helps officers remain aware of these evolving threats and how to address them in their investigations and interventions.

  • Anticipating future risks: Understanding technology abuse helps law enforcement anticipate future risks as abusers may use increasingly sophisticated tools, such as deepfake technology or AI-enhanced surveillance, to exert control over victims.

Reducing Misconceptions and Biases

  • Understanding the seriousness of technology abuse: Some officers may mistakenly downplay the significance of technology abuse, viewing it as less harmful than physical violence. Proper training helps reduce these biases and ensures officers understand that technology abuse can be just as traumatizing and dangerous as other forms of domestic violence.

  • Combatting victim-blaming: Victims of technology abuse may be blamed for not securing their devices or leaving digital traces. Training helps law enforcement officers take a victim-centered approach, recognizing that abusers often manipulate technology in ways that make it difficult for victims to fully protect themselves.

Training and Learning

Support Services Training

Perpetrators often use technology to control, stalk, or harass their victims, making it essential for staff to understand.

Victim Survivor Training

Educating Domestic Violence victims about technology abuse is crucial, perpetrators often exploit technology.

Learning Portal

Our dedicated purpose-built Tech Learning Portal was built to with one purpose- keep victims safe online when they are offline.

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Police hold AirTag located by Protective Group

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