Protective Group featured on Channel 9 news

Protective Group featured on Channel 9 news

We shared our thoughts on yesterday’s welcome announcement of additional funding and support to keep victims of Domestic Violence safe.Technology Abuse is prevalent in Domestic and Family Violence 99.3% of family violence workers have clients who had experienced technology facilitated stalking and abuse.*Protective Group have seen a significant rise in Technology Abuse particularly in the last two years during COVID-19. With more people at home, working and spending time online it’s become the weapon of choice of perpetrators. We see each day the way the perpetrator controls their victim and the psychological and emotional effect it has on the victim, the victim questions themselves every minute of the day “ am I being watched, are they looking at me”.Even the most inconspicuous devices are often used: baby monitors being pre-programmed to listen to their victim, controlling home WIFI networks to turn on music at 3am in the morning or turning the heating on at the highest temperature.The violence isn’t always physical but the intent is always the same control their victim and their movements.We thank Channel Nine News and Neary Ty for allowing us to share our thoughts.

*Woodlock, D., Bentley, K., Schulze, D., Mahoney, N., Chung, D., and Pracilio, A., (2020). Second National Survey of Technology Abuse and Domestic Violence in Australia. WESNET