Property Risk and Safety Assessment

Feel safe in your own home

Our comprehensive personalized Property Risk and Safety Assessment services are provided by experienced, licensed professional assessors in all states and territories. Enabling people experiencing violence and abuse or family separation to feel safe and able to go about their daily lives with confidence with a focus upon reducing further risk and optimising safety. We are able to provide you or your client with enhanced safety and peace of mind through an individualised service, with interventions tailored to their circumstances. Our service is available across Australia including metropolitan, regional and remote areas.

Our research and first-hand experience shows that relationship breakdowns and separations are a time of increased risk of family violence, both physical and emotional or psychological with abuse via technology increasingly commonplace.

How our Property Risk and Safety Assessments work.

Upon submitting a service request for our Property Risk and Safety Assessment, we start with a comprehensive risk management and safety assessment with you or your client. We take into account health and safety, identified risks, control measures using our assessment tools and assessment forms. Through our management systems we ensure domestic and family violence. assessments involve the client and consider individual risk and safety from a range of different perspectives including home, personal and technology. Depending upon what you or your client identify, we can provide a particular focus on one area of risk and safety or a combination of areas.

We develop a risk and safety report that recommends a set of tailored interventions to reduce risk and optimise safety for your client. We let you know the approximate cost of the recommended interventions so that you or a referrer can secure the appropriate funding for the interventions you approve. Once you have secured funding, we proceed to organise until all interventions have been put in place.

Four out five of our clients that are experiencing Domestic or Family Violence in the home are also victims of Technology-Facilitated Abuse. Our On-site Phone Scan or Remote Technology Assessments offer a comprehensive, personalised assessment and inspection of the client’s personal and home smart devices and laptop/s. Where there are accompanying children with smart devices we strongly recommend that this is part of the assessment.

What sets our Property Risk and Safety Assessment apart?

We have completed thousands of Property Risk and Safety Assessments in the last decade and our clients include NGO, Domestic and Family Violence Support Services, DHHS Child Protection, Aboriginal and Torres strait islander peoples services State and Local Governments, and Police to name a few. With our experience brings a different perspective, compassion and empathy to understand the risk at hand and minimise the risk into the future. We empower the individual to feel safe in their own home through our risk management systems and harness technology to ensure our clients are safe in and out of their home.

Protective Group and our team are licensed Property Risk and Safety Assessment assessors.

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Empowering individuals to feel safe in their own home

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Intervention planning and managed implementation

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We service Australia wide

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One single contact person from start to finish

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COVID-19 guidelines followed on location

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Safety planning for DV victim survivors

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Step 1

Clients directly or organisation on behalf of a client make a Property Risk and Safety Assessment request via phone or on our website.

Step 2

We arrange a time to meet with the client and conduct the Property Risk and Safety Assessment.

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Step 3

We document our property risk assessment as a report and recommend interventions and security upgrades taking into account health and safety, identified risks, control measures using our assessment tools and assessment forms.

Step 4

We send the report to the client or the organisation that is representing a client. You approve the health and safety interventions and arrange for them to be paid or approve the funding.

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Step 5

With funding for interventions approved, you advise us to proceed with project managing implementation.

Step 6

Upgrades per the recommendations are completed and if required we may make further recommendations.

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